Tuesday, September 15, 2009


How do you make a vase look really good? Just like this: Add some amazing flowers. Actually, I was just having a conversation with a fellow potter in the studio about this. Sometimes the work speaks for itself, but often it's the presentation that really grabs the attention. You can try and sell a vase without flowers, but when you add the flowers a person can identify with it, envision it in their home, in the foyer greeting them as they arrive home from work , or on their dining-room table; the icing on the cake of an almost set table.
I've often noticed in interior design mags that the spaces they shoot may be attractive but it's the stylists who really do the magic adding the flowers, objects and changing the light. This was always my favorite part of the design process. Thanks to my thoughtful boyfriend Reed and his contributions to my constant desire for flowers, I have been able to take my vase up a notch in the world and really make it look fantastic. :)

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