1. It wouldn't be quite right if I didn't start off my list with Pottery because afterall, that is what My Heart Makes. Pottery makes me so happy that I want to do it forever and forever.:) It is the harmony that has brought everything together in my life and excites me every day. I dream about it, think about glazing when I should be concentrating on my breath at meditation class, and wonder how I could define my style while I'm on the the bike at the gym. Addicted you think? So worth it.
2. Flowers make me very happy. Seeing pictures of flowers (such as the ones on Catherine's blog:) are neat, drawing flowers is also really fun, and just admiring them in the spring is bliss. The flowers that my beloved brings home for me much more than he probably needs to is true bliss. I just love um.
3. Good music is decadent. Also the moments when I discover a new song or artist and a little spark goes off in my brain of amazement is just wonderful. Like the time Reed took me to see the Stars in concert for the first time and I thought I was in love.
4. Daydreams make me happy. When I get lost in a lovely thought and just go with it and let my mind just give in to the fantasy world of what could be, that's the best. It's like for 5 minutes I'm somewhere else and it feel real.
5. Cute cuddly adorable animals. I never outgrew it. Those posters I used to line my walls with when I was little of little bunnies, fuzzy kittens in hats, and shaggy puppies hugging, they still make me very happy. If you want to instantly light me up, show me a cute animal. My little fur ball Bella makes me happy, especially when sits on my lap or reluctantly lets me hold her. She's becoming more sociable every day and it's quite amazing.
6. Picnics and lying on a big blanket in the sun. I guess this automatically expresses my love for spring too..
7. Speaking of seasons, I adore Autumn. The colors that come with the changing of seasons is just incredible. I wish i could just bottle up my love for autumn, occasionally unscrew the cap and just breath it in.
8. Reading a good book makes me very happy, but then sad when it has to end. I adored all Truman Capote books especially Music for Chameleons and Breakfast at Tiffany's, The History of Love by Nicole Kraus, and the Wind-up Bird Chronicles by Haruki Murakami. It's so amazing when I can find a book that I just love and then ever better when I can suggest it someone else to read.
9. Having a day out with my mom. We have done a lot of things together that are favorites like going to art museums and to dance performances but one of my favorite rituals is also my number 10 favorite thing.
10. High Tea. I love good tea, and adore scones and clotted cream. Even though I don't eat much dairy, I make an exception when I go out for high tea on special occasions. Tea & Sympathy in the West village makes you feel lux like Maria Antoinette with pink cake and beautiful antique tea pots, if you go to Harrod's in London, or the four seasons you get the royal treatment. I don't care where it is, Real High Tea is like a dream on earth.
11. This list wouldn't be complete without my favorite person in the world. Reed makes my life amazingly happy. I love traveling with him, wandering the streets, hiking, and simply relaxing. We go on all these adventures together and they are always memorable with Reed. He is the icing on my cake of life. :)